This page is all about what's happening on site now and mainly of volunteers to famiiiarise themselves with the space/roles/tasks


Arriving on site

First thing you do is go to the cottage and get your

name added to the Site Register,
vehicle added to vehicle register

induction document - Doc


How a day Goes

Breakfast (When you wake)

* make sure we know when your arriving on site 

 Have you got your ticket yet?

Early Birds

Thos more experienced know he earlier you can get into the day the less you work in the heat f the day, feel free to take on a task on the board while others are still to get their dancing shoes on

Newbie induction face to face 9:15

 Induction Doc

ToolBox (Daily ToDo Meeting)

Go through tasks on Board

 Lunch (Midday)


Wind Down' ( 3-4PM Depending on Temperature)


After 4PM

Go for a swim

Dinner (6PM)


9:30 till 14 days out then 8:30
Work in morning
Tasks on board
Here for their own space and the fest spacepii


Why are you on site

Festival Volunteers 


Village Volunteers