Activities, Workshops, Performances

First get all your information together for your submission


Add to the calendar

There are 2 tabs, Common and Calendar (must edit both!)

- Start in the ‘common’ tab


* Title

* Description 

* Location - You can use one of our Zoom spaces to host your event, in which case a Confest spaceholder will be the "host" of the event

* Contact - your name or username

* Extra info

- Next go to the ‘calendar’ tab


*Date & Time & if you wish to repeat the workshop


Congratulations! You have added your workshop, check out the events calendar later to make sure it has been added properly.


There’s a few other things you can add to make the attendee’s experience a connected one, check it out:


Create Group

Not all Activities require follow up or the development of an ongoing private spaces etc If you form a group  you will get Tabs, A Wall, Gallery, Forum, Blog, Chat


- Create Forum Topic

You might like to encourage discussion post your workshop or provide further support add a forum for your participants to continue

Please familiarize yourself with Zoom room capabilities prior to attending or running events. Click here for a short tutorial.
Website Questions:

What timezone are workshops set for?

* They are set for Melbourne Victoria Australia Time. AEST.

What time should I turn up to present my workshop?
*Make sure you are signed up to zoom beforehand. Sign up here.
*You should turn up 20 minutes before and check that everything is working for you. Have you watched the Tutorial?

How do I attend a workshop?

  * Check the info tent calendar and click the event, in the description will be a zoom link to use to attend the workshop.


How do I modify my event?

  * As the person creating the workshop, you will receive an email from google calendar that would allow you to edit your event.

How do I create a workshop?
  * You can create your workshop your here.

  * You will be notified via email when your workshop is added to the calendar.

  * If there are any questions please use chat support on the website.


How do I cancel a workshop?

* Use the email you received when creating your event to edit/cancel.

* Please place ‘CANCELLED’ in the event name to notify people instead of cancelling the listing.

Where can I see a list of workshops?
* You can see the info tent calendar of events here.
Is there a forum where you can ask questions?
* Yes there is, you can post any questions here

How do I wander the map and find zoom rooms that people are connecting in?

* You can find the map here.

* At the moment you will need to pop into the rooms to see if there are people there. The ability to see how many people are in a room in real time is coming soon…


How do I check out villages & spaces?

* Click here to find a list of villages & their landing page

* Click here to find a list of spaces & their landing page


Zoom Questions:

Where do I learn about hosting a Zoom room?
Here is a tutorial for hosting a zoom room

How do I begin my workshop?

* Click the zoom link in your event listing on the calendar.


How do I end my workshop?

* If you are using your own account then in the bottom right hand corner is a ‘leave meeting’ button, it will prompt you to end the meeting for all.

* If you are using a ConFest Online account then use the ‘leave meeting’ button and please allow people to stay in the zoom room as they are open rooms for people to connect.


How can I be the host of a zoom room?

You can host a zoom room with your own zoom account, just provide the link to your scheduled meeting in your event description.

If you would like to use an Online ConFest zoom room then select the appropriate zoom room link when creating your workshop/performance. If that zoom room is not available at the time then just pick another one.